In South Africa Customs and Excise is the responsibility of SARS – South African Revenue Service.
The mandate of the South African Revenue Service (SARS) is to collect all revenues due, ensure optimal compliance with tax and customs legislation, and provide a customs and excise service that will facilitate legitimate trade as well as protect the economy and society.
As far as the visiting yachtsman is concerned Customs has two, or possibly three, facets (a) importation of cash and personal effects, (b) temporary importation of the boat and possibly (c) claiming a refund of VAT on goods purchased and then exported on departure.
SARS recently (July 2024) introduced an online declaration system applicable to ALL visitors entering and leaving the country at land, sea and air Ports of Entry/Departure. This may be accessed at Customs Online Traveller Declaration | South African Revenue Service (
Before completing the form please read the instructions. You will have to enter:
Passport details
Travel details
Contact details
Each crew member should make a separate declaration
You will then have to make a declaration of cash and goods you are bringing in.
Note that this declaration must be dated for the date of entry. If that should change after a declaration has been submitted, then a new declaration must be submitted. To avoid this it is recommended that the declaration is made immediately on arrival before visiting Immigration.
As well as making a personal declaration you will have to make a declaration for the boat on the downloadable SARS form DA1 or will be provided to you by the Customs official on arrival. This form is designed for commercial shipping so some of the fields are not relevant to private leisure vessels.
Please note that visiting foreign registered boats are only permitted to remain in South Africa for a maximum of six months. If you want to stay longer you will need to discuss this with Customs on arrival.
On departure you will have to complete SARS form DA3 at the port of departure and submit together with your copy of DA1,
19 August 2024/revised 4 September 2p24